Thursday, November 13, 2008

May 2008 needlework lines

At the right you'll see JCA's May 2008 lines which include the Elsa Williams Collection, the Elsa Williams Heritage Collection, the Needle Treasures Collection, the Needle Treasures Baby Collection, and the Weekenders Collection.  There's also a poll.  Tell us which type of of needlework is your favorite to create.  If you scroll down you'll see larger images at the bottom of the page that will show you the differences between Counted Cross stitch, Crewel Embroidery and Needlepoint. Each is unique and beautiful in its own right. Personally, I enjoy doing all three types of needlework for different reasons.  Counted Cross Stitch probably takes the longest to do but is easiest to learn.  Crewel Embroidery has a variety of stitches and takes a little more care to do it properly, but the results are like a painting (and it works up quickly)!  Needlepoint covers the canvas with color and ends up looking like a tapestry.  It's all in what you like, and we'd like to know what that is!  Whatever is your favorite embroidery style, I hope you take some time out of your busy life to create an heirloom or two.  You'll enjoy the process and the results!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My husband bought a bag of cross stitching stuff from the local markets and amongst it was the kit for "Ocean Front Property" #04742, but there was no pattern with it. Can anyone help me with a copy of the pattern so I can stitch this beautiful design?

04749 Baby and the Bee

04749 Baby and the Bee
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