Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Welcome to Nancy's Needlecraft News, JCA's news source for needlework kits!

I'll be showing you JCA's wonderful needlework designs which include Cross Stitch, Crewel Embroidery and Needlepoint.  Once you see our designs you will understand why our byline is "Better By Design".

As I proceed with this blog I will be able to keep you posted about upcoming lines and when they will be released.  I'll be highlighting specific designers, explaining how we choose our needlework designs, and giving you a variety of related information.  I'll be able to keep you informed about what JCA is doing in the needlecraft industry that's new and interesting.

We're on a new adventure!  Let's get going!

Happy Stitching,
Nancy King

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Enjoy the Summer

It's been a cool, damp spring and early summer in New England. Just a great time for cuddling up with needlework of any kind! Hopefully the sun is on its way to stay now that we're into July, but that shouldn't stop your fingers from creating beautiful works of needle art. I hope you won't forget your favorite project when packing for vacation whether you are heading to the beach, toward the mountains, or somewhere in between. It's just another way to relax when you're REALLY trying to relax!

Have a wonderful and safe summer!

Monday, December 22, 2008


The JCA website is up for viewing.  You can see the November 2008 Needle Treasures line by going to  Choose the designs you are interested in, order through any of the catalogues listed below, or give us a call at Needlecraft House 800.343.0900. Needlecraft House has a wide selection of all your embroidery needs!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

May 2008 needlework lines

At the right you'll see JCA's May 2008 lines which include the Elsa Williams Collection, the Elsa Williams Heritage Collection, the Needle Treasures Collection, the Needle Treasures Baby Collection, and the Weekenders Collection.  There's also a poll.  Tell us which type of of needlework is your favorite to create.  If you scroll down you'll see larger images at the bottom of the page that will show you the differences between Counted Cross stitch, Crewel Embroidery and Needlepoint. Each is unique and beautiful in its own right. Personally, I enjoy doing all three types of needlework for different reasons.  Counted Cross Stitch probably takes the longest to do but is easiest to learn.  Crewel Embroidery has a variety of stitches and takes a little more care to do it properly, but the results are like a painting (and it works up quickly)!  Needlepoint covers the canvas with color and ends up looking like a tapestry.  It's all in what you like, and we'd like to know what that is!  Whatever is your favorite embroidery style, I hope you take some time out of your busy life to create an heirloom or two.  You'll enjoy the process and the results!

View our designs in your favorite catalogues

You can view many of our designs in The Stitchery Catalogue (, in the Keepsake Needlearts Catalogue (, in the Herrschners Catalogue (, and in the Fox Collection Catalogue (, or call us for information at Needlecraft House 800.343.0900.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sister Hummel

Throughout nearly thirty years some of JCA's most popular designs have been those created by Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel.  JCA holds the exclusive rights to produce Sr. Hummel's designs in needlework, and each year one or more new Hummel embroidery kits is added to the Needle Treasures Collection.  These embroideries reflect art work that Sr. Hummel created during the years 1931-1946; 1931 being the year she became a postulant at the Franciscan Convent at Siessen in Germany, and 1946 being the year of her untimely death.  Berta Hummel, her birth name, was born in 1909 in the town of Massing in Lower Bavaria/Germany.  Sr. Hummel's artistic heritage is still administered by the nuns at the Siessen Convent and marketed by ARS AG, Zug/Switzerland.  Our Needle Treasures Christmas line, due to come out in March of 2009, will feature another design by Sister Hummel.  

04749 Baby and the Bee

04749 Baby and the Bee
Hummel® and M.I. Hummel® are used under License from Goebel, ©ARS AG, Baar/Switzerland